Emotional Problems

Everyone seems to have them from time to time, and to varying degrees. Sometimes Emotional Problems, depending upon their severity, only affect our emotions, and many times they affect our body, often without our awareness.
It Seems Einstein Was Right... We're just getting around to proving it. Einstein said every thing is made up of energy, and he defined "energy" as e=mc2. Dr. Bruce Lipton PhD, a research and cellular biologist from Stanford showed that ALL PROBLEMS ARE CAUSED BY THE SAME SOURCE, energy in the form of beliefs.
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The energy that is the source of all problems is called "negative beliefs" or wrong beliefs". One thing I know is, they are less than useful beliefs. These less than useful decision points create stress, which in turn creates Emotional Problems that show themselves both emotionally and physically.In 1998, Dr. Lipton produced some landmark research that shows every problem is an energy problem and there are also "a list of basic human emotions". When a decision is made in the form of a negative, less than useful belief it creates a destructive frequency that shows itself as physical illness, disease, emotional or mental problems, or any of hundreds of other problems.

All of the above and more have been traced back to the energy that causes emotional problems, such as beliefs used at the wrong time and in the wrong situation. Beliefs are past decisions made sometime in the past.
The beliefs that are creating the problem that creates everything else we don't want are blocking up the energy flow that is you, and keeping you from being able to achieve your potential.
We are all aware that this starts internally and shows up externally, right?
Less-than-useful beliefs create energy blocks or hold the flow in place, thus causing the back up we refer to as emotional problems.
There are many ways to work on changing the less-than-useful beliefs, and there are easier ways to short circuit the energy so that the belief changes automatically.
Here is the offer:
I promise to 'Find and Solve' the underlying beginning compulsive polarities that all your emotional problems get their support from in less time than it takes to watch your favorite movie ...or It's FREE...
To take advantage of the offer or for further help on removing your emotional problems and determine which level of emotional freedom you want to achieve your potential, or to schedule your FREE Intitial Consultation by phone you can contact me directly, or to hear my voice and for more information on how to develop some of the skills necessary to gain control over fear, doubt, and other emotional problems, please visit www.secretsuccess.com.


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